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Sharing the tech journey…

Redoc AI

Redoc AI

Jul 15, 2023

Writing content with ChatGPT can be quite inefficient. I mean, why should it be efficient? It's a chatbot, not a writing tool!

  • ChatGPT does not write in your tone and context - rather, most of the time, people can tell when someone used ChatGPT for their copy.

  • You have to navigate back and forth between ChatGPT and where you write.

  • ChatGPT doesn't have the best user interface for writers.

  • Copywriting with ChatGPT is only efficient if you know how to do prompt training.

  • You can't use ChatGPT to generate images.

  • ChatGPT primarily only supports English.

That's why we created ReDoc, an AI writing tool (not a chatbot) that addresses all the problems above.

Redoc was the fourth consumer software I worked on. I acquired Redoc mid July 2023 and:

1. Rebranded it from Monkeywriter to Redoc.
2. Implement 6 new features.

Over 5,000+ users signed up to use Redoc, however only 60 users converted to a paid plan. It was clear to me that although Redoc was a powerful tool, the value proposition was not valuable enough for users, so I decided to pivot to a more scalable software.